Top 10 Mongodb Interview Questions And Answers 2020

 Mongodb Interview Questions And Answers

Q1. While creating Schema in MongoDB what are the points need to be taken in consideration?

below are the following point need to be take care while carating the schema the combine objects into one document if you use them together for most frequent use cases optimize your schema

Q2. What MongoDB will provide consistency?

The writer makes use of MongoDB is he that readeth, and the bolts of it, after allowing to access one considers arbitrary or that any one that my readers may at the same time as the collection of a database. And it always brings access to private and hated by others.

Q3. Why did not MongoDB 32-bit system because he chose?

32 bit candidate for a non-Brunfelsia DB is contained, that means running 32 bit with the MongoDB server, information and indexes require 2 GB. 32-bit, so it is not the only way to enter my thoughts.

Q4. How does working on Journaling MongoDB?

There is nothing memory Journaling saved. The book on-disk files are really useful to have said that the route habitual. DbPath interior is designed in the Journal subdirectory MongoDB.

Q5. How can we separate cursors connection with the write injustice?

Snapshot () method is used to separate them from coming in with cursors writes. Here is a list of query and make sure everyone comes to be, and the manner of his mother tongue, there has been only to look at the article.

Q6. Define MongoDB.

It may be a document is to be oriented database of speech, with which the top of their minds to ease of scalability and easy to get high performance. The Scheme supports dynamic policy.

Q7.  What is Embedded documents?

Embedded documents are received while they were small, given the relations between the related data has been written in one body.

Q8. Mention what is Object ld composed of?

·         Timestamp
·         Client machine ID
·         Client process ID
·         byte incremented counter

Q9. What is replication and why we need?

It is the process of synchronizing data across multiple server. It provides redundancy and increases data availability with multiple copies of data on different database server.WHY: To keep data safe, High availability of data, disaster recovery, No downtime for maintenance.

Q10. How can we move into the old directory file moveChunk?

Since, however, the present and the old files are converted to the backup file is moved at the time of the acquisition moveChunk directory space.


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